Trimarans are probably the best vessel to sail in the Race to Alaska, they are fast, stable and there is lots of room to move about!
Team Elsie Piddock in a trimaran wins the Race to Alaska, 2015
About the race to Alaska…
750 miles no motors, no support, all the way to Alaska!
Stage 1 Race start: June 13, 2022, Port Townsend, Washington
Stage 2 Race start: June 16, 2022, Victoria, BC
Application deadline: Tax Day baby! April 15th
The inside passage to Alaska has been paddled by native canoes since time immemorial, sailing craft for centuries, and after someone found gold in the Klondike the route was jammed with steamboats full of prospectors elbowing each other out of the way for the promise of fortune.
It’s in the spirit of tradition, exploration, and the lawless self-reliance of the gold rush that Race to Alaska was born. R2AK is the first of its kind and North America’s longest human and wind powered race, and currently the largest cash prize for a race of its kind.
This isn’t for everyone
It’s like the Iditarod, on a boat, with a chance of drowning, being run down by a freighter, or eaten by a grizzly bear. There are squalls, killer whales, tidal currents that run upwards of 20 miles an hour, and some of the most beautiful scenery on earth.
Three brothers from Marblehead won a more than 700 mile race that began in Washington and ended in Alaska 2017.
Team Blackfish during the Race to Alaska, 2015
Angry Beaver during the Race to Alaska, 2019
The new 29’ Corsair 880 was developed for the modern sailor; adventurous and versatile!
Corsair 880