Innovative - and Quality - Products

180 Marine is committed to sourcing best in class, innovative products for trimarans. 

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torqeedo electric motors

Many Pulse owners like these. The electric motors provide clean, powerful and modern mobility on the water. And they sound cool!

The name says it all–the ultra-lightest outboard on the market: 8.9 kg including battery.

The integrated on-board computer provides a GPS-based calculation of the remaining range.

The new models of the Cruise 4.0 have been improved to meet the demanding challenges of everyday commercial use; making them ready to take on the harshest environmental conditions, for example with dinghies and sailboats up to 4 tons.

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colligo dux and hardware

Many new Corsair owners also like Colligo Dux. Colligo is light and strong, UV resistant, easy to splice, and easy to inspect. Colligo hardware is known for making the best use of Colligo Dux. 

As of 2015, Colligo exclusively use Heat Stretched Dyneema SK75 (Dynice Dux or its equivalent) for our Standing Rigging. This is because all the other Dyneema formulations, to date, have more overall stretch. The newer formulations of Dyneema do not heat stretch as well as SK75 and therefore result in more constructional stretch than heat stretched SK75 Dyneema. 

Safety - Did you know?

Colligo Dux is fast becoming known as the safest standing rigging you can buy. This is due mostly to 2 factors:

1. It is fully inspectable. All of the line is exposed, the end fittings and splices allow for this. Unlike a swage fitting in wire, where you cannot see the internal corrosion, you can see all of the dux. Set up an inspection schedule and check it periodically as you should your boat's other systems.

2. The 2 failure modes, chafe and UV present visible cues. From both chafe and UV, the line gets fuzzy when damaged, this is almost like a flashing red light as the fuzzy texture contrasts so much with the normal smoothness of the line.

Keep in mind also that the line will be 2-5 times stronger than the steel rigging it replaced so you can tolerate some damage to the line and still be safe. 

Talk to us about your Colligo needs.

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hot dipped & ready to sail

We provide customers with galvanized boat trailers on all new Corsair Trimarans, built to last, built tough.

Hot-Dipped Galvanized "C" Channel Frame. Box Tube Frames will trap water and rust from the inside out! Even if they are galvanized inside.... Frame rails & cross-members are welded together to form a uni-body construction.  Not your typical "One Size Fits All" Bolted Together Frame.  Pacific Trailers offers custom welded galvanized c-channel trailers. 



Experience the pleasure of extended anchoring or overnighting without running a generator! The large propulsion battery bank (compared to standard house battery banks) enables much longer silent intervals; you can run all creature comforts (air conditioning, heating, refrigerator/freezer etc...) without the need to run a generator all night.

The Oceanvolt platform is designed and installed to become the complete power solution for the entire boat - including the 12V (or 24V) service power system as well as all other appliances/other comfort equipment (110/220V outlets). Range and recharging are achieved either through hydro generation or through a DC generator which can enable constant long-range cruising or bringing batteries up to a full charge in less than 2 hours.

All Oceanvolt systems are engineered to operate at 48 volts for passenger safety and ease of repair. Oceanvolt systems are extremely low maintenance and do not require winterization (no annual engine maintenance costs).

This all makes good sense. Is a propulsion system right for you?