Corsair 760 Pricing

Most buyers are in North America, but we deliver boats worldwide. Not surprisingly, the need for a trailer (or not) and your delivery cost with import duty, professional final assembly, and local yard costs will significantly affect your total budget.

We are dedicated to keeping your ownership costs clear and upfront. If we can deliver a lower price, we will. When certain boats are hard to get, we'll tell you. We believe in being fair and transparent. And that's the customer who enjoys us most, a skipper who appreciates a fair price that allows experienced, personal attention. 

Bottom Line

Corsair 760 Pricing

Sailaway price 2025 / $115,261

180 Marine is the leading dealer in the U.S. for Corsair trimarans.

Total satisfaction!

Corsair 760 SPORT Pricing can option-up a Corsair 760 to a 760 SPORT.

Base price 2025 / $97,690

We are pleased to quote a realistic total price for you with motor, trailer, options, shipping, and commissioning.

Corsair 760 Standard Lake Granby Colorado.png

The Corsair 760R may be a better fit for you.
Unlike the other 760 variants the R does not offer the versatility of sleeping accommodations and comfortable interior but is instead focused record breaking speed and a large open deck layout. Not only is the 760R is a competitive racer in the popular Corsair 750 fleets but will also punch above its weight in mixed fleets with multihulls over twice its size. It’s ALSO the lowest price point for the 760 models.

Corsair 760R Pricing

Base price (2025) / $69,660

We are pleased to quote a realistic total price for you with motor, trailer, options and shipping.

High Re-sale Value!
Way past the time you’ll start taking your Corsair’s strength, endurance, dependability, fit and finish for granted and believe that other boats must also be built as well because how could anyone settle for less – you’ll probably start seeing some new Corsair model and think about trading up. That’s when you’ll find out that the superior construction of your Corsair will enable you to sell it to someone else for not much less than what you bought it for new.

180 Marine is the leading dealer in the U.S. for Corsair trimarans.

Read about our customers and their Corsair 760 experiences!

Corsair 760R Review >>

Corsair 760 trimaran training in San Diego 2019 >>

What do Corsair trimarans do best? >>

Without Richard Allen’s assistance, the purchase of the Corsair 970 would have been a very difficult and stressful process.
This was my first large boat purchase and I was very naive
of what was actually involved.
— Tom W


Check out the NEW 180 Marine 760 Brochure >>
Here you will see the standard equipment and options list

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If you're interested in knowing more about the Corsair 760 trimaran or 180 Marine, we'd love to hear from you. 

* Boat prices are subject to change without notice
** Shipping costs are being adjusted monthly. Please contact us for an accurate quote     for your area.

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180 Marine is an Authorized dealer for Seawind catamarans and Corsair trimarans

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