Dragonfly 25
Know your boat
• Always check the rigging, halyards, reefing lines, water stays, rudder downhaul, and Swing Wing system before taking the boat out to sea.
• Every six months or minimum once a year, shorten the main halyard and reefing lines approx. 25 cm. After some years, you can turn them around or replace the lines.
• We recommend changing the water stays after a maximum of 10 years and/or by a maximum of 15.000 NM of sailing – use only the same products and quality when changing. The water stays are made in 8 mm Dyeform Cable SS quality.
• Side stays and forestays must be changed after max 10 years and not later than 10.000 NM of sailing. • Standing rigging on the mast ( diamond stays ) must be changed after a maximum of 15 years. • Never use shackles or similar on the boatsman chair when hoisting people up the mast. NEVER climb the rigging when the boat is in a folded position!
• Tension on the diamond stays rigging; please see the rig diagram.
• Never change the tension on the diamond stays without checking tension with a tension meter according to the rig tension diagram; changing the rig tension can cause the mast to fail and break.
• Never drill holes in the carbon mast section without asking your dealer or Quorning Boats beforehand.
• Never wrap the Carbon mast in any plastic, as this can cause the paint to bubble up. If wrapping is needed, use only breathable textile materials.
• If rigging and diamonds are taken apart for the winter, mark all parts and the exact position of the turnbuckles to get the exact same tension again.
• Releasing tension on the diamond cables will affect the mast's stiffness and safety and can cause it to collapse.
• Please take note that on the DF 25 Touring Version, the spinnaker halyard and position are not designed to take the load for a Code-O type sail. For sailing the DF25 Touring, a special sheave box has to be installed below the Spinnaker halyard position; for this, don't hesitate to get in touch with your dealer or Quorning Boats.
IMPORTANT: When stepping the mast – check and be careful that the forestay and the side stays cables do NOT get bent; if these get bent – you need to change the bent stays immediately.