Mid Level Trimaran Price Comparison

Price Comparison of a Dragonfly 28 and Corsair 880
Trimaran comparison 28-29

Do you prefer leading performance at the best value? Corsair 880 >>

Or if you prefer more comfort, finish quality, and performance?
Dragonfly 28 >>

We get it. These builders have introduced amazing innovations to meet your goals. The latest 29-footers are the best designs and best options ever available. There’s just one problem: it’s tricky to make a confident decision. So 180 Marine offers sailing experiences backed by coaching as we work closely with each buyer:

• 180 Marine offers a broader price range than ever before from Corsair and Dragonfly. From $50,000 entry level to over $1 million for 40-foot passage makers.

• Unique Planning Sessions to confirm realistic delivered price points. We detail common owner options that our most recent customers have chosen to meet their cruising and racing goals.

• Regular demo events and owner training events...even though inventory remains low and demand is high.

Price comparison of a Corsair 970 vs Dragonfly 32
32' Trimaran Comparison

Do you want speed, comfort and carrying capacity? Corsair 970 >>

Or carrying capacity, comfort and speed? Dragonfly 32 >>